
The Bright, Shiny Lure

Be authentic. But fake it till you make it. Be vulnerable. And show executive presence. Focus on self-care. But there is no “I” in team. It’s enough to make your head spin. What I’ve learned from growing a business is that, if you pivot for every new and shiny strategy, you won’t get where you …

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Be Present to the Gifts Around You

    Going through the college application process with my daughter, it’s easy to get sucked into thinking, “When she gets into the right college, everything will be great.” It’s what Shrizad Chamine refers to as the Saboteur criticizing circumstances. It reminds me of how much my clients, ambitious professionals (You!), postpone gratification to reach …

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Is 89% enough?

  Looking through my eclipse glasses and seeing the beginnings of the moon block the sun was breathtaking. So I went to one of the benches in the median on Broadway near my home. And waited. I was waiting for Totality, the moment when the moon would completely cover the sun. The day would get …

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Tech Leadership Debt

  A friend in Tech recently shared the idea of Tech Debt. Basically, tech companies have to invest in infrastructure that works — for now. Different than traditional obsolescence, this infrastructure will actually require investment to undo down the road. We played with applying the concept to the work I do. Basically, the Leadership approach …

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Spring’s a funny time

  On one hand, things pick up after winter’s lull. That means there is energy around execution and getting things done – steam roller. On the other hand, a new vision wants to emerge, but hasn’t yet. That’s like the swirling eddy on the edge of a river. Combine the two, and it can feel …

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