
Could 2024 Please Wait?

Yesterday I woke up with zero motivation. I haven’t made a single resolution, though I did see a special about the health benefits of plant-based eating, so maybe that. No 2024 plan. Goals all over the place. At this rate, I’ll be lucky to get out of my yoga pants by February. Belly scratch and …

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Stuck in a Job?

 Two clients recently shared that they keep hearing about all the crazy change happening in business. But their job has been stable. Too stable. They feel like they’re stagnating. What do you do if the change roller coaster feels more like a comet passing in the distant sky? You’d like a change, but you aren’t sure how to begin? …

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Hate Confrontation?

Conversations go sideways for two reasons: You make confrontation about the other person’s intention, instead of about the impact their behavior had on you You don’t know how to manage the tension after you’ve gotten whatever it was off your chest Every time I say, “Next week we talk about difficult conversations,” I can feel …

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The Key to Managing Imposter Syndrome

The Key to Managing Imposter Syndrome Last week I completed my I to the 4th Power program with a group of 50 Black/African American and LatinX leaders. Those terms don’t even begin to express the group’s diversity of experience, approach, and style. It was an amazing class, once again. We had fun, but it was …

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What’s Keeping You from Solving Hybrid Work is Lurking in Your Team

There’s nothing like an election season to make sport of the blame game. “If my opponent were doing what I’m doing instead of what they’re doing, everything would be fine.” Or worse, “If my opponent would stop doing the thing I’m accusing them of but doing myself, everything would be fine.” I’ve been talking to …

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A different kind of diversity

A few weeks ago I had lunch with a senior leader at a Fortune 500 company. That means that her organization has a pipeline for new talent hiring. And when I asked what her biggest challenges are, she said “diversity in the hiring pipeline.” “But not by the traditional DEI measures,” she said. “The company …

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Where Do We Go From Here?

This month’s Harvard Business Review has a photo of an office chair with a five-point seatbelt on it, as in, “Prepare for turbulence!” What?! As it is, we’ve been dancing on a rolling log for the past few years. It’s like a guy with a “mua-hah-hah!” laugh is about to throw a bucket of oil …

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Is a Polarizing Leader (maybe even you) Hurting Your Team’s Performance?

Polarizing may not be the term you use, but you know this person. They are extremely good at something the organization needs — operations, digital media, sales —  and they are loved by a few. At the same time, you are forever recruiting because of high turnover in their team, your HR office has become …

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Leadership by Grapefruit

Years ago on vacation, I saw a t-shirt that said, “Beatings will continue until morale improves!” As ridiculous as that sounds, again and again, I see team leaders use this approach. They believe performance will improve when employees are directly confronted with their weaknesses, so they can get to work fixing them. And are surprised when …

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I Went To The Fast Company Innovation Festival Yesterday

Yesterday I attended the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York. The opening session featured Dan Schuman from PayPal and Lynn Forester from Inclusive Capital Partners and the topic was stakeholder capitalism.They called out Virtue Signaling,Green washing, and Wall St hijacking ESG, are all the tropes of putting on a good show but not doing …

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