Do You Feel Like Your Team Could Be Giving More and You Just Can’t Figure Out How To Get it From Them?

A while ago I asked a group of professionals what they were dreaming about, and what would be possible if they made that happen. The answers were mostly around: Getting to the next level (without it being so hard) Being recognized for work that I enjoy I can be authentic at work Having work/life balance …

Do You Feel Like Your Team Could Be Giving More and You Just Can’t Figure Out How To Get it From Them? Read More »

Confidence and Faith

Does it ever feel like you are working too hard? Like you are boiling the ocean trying to get people to do what you want, to make things happen in a certain order so everything works out? There’s something about letting go that can feel like a con, “If I let go, things will fall …

Confidence and Faith Read More »

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