Generational Differences

Generational Differences

I don’t often write about boomers versus millennials, but I’ve been watching “Hacks” and I’m fascinated. Of course, it has the easy tropes, where the Gen Z character orders matcha green tea with oat milk. But one episode had two older women joking about surviving harassment by male club managers, while the younger saw their …

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The Power Of Positive Feedback

The Power Of Positive Feedback

Every time I read “The Happiness Advantage” I become momentarily obsessed. What popped out at me this last time is around positive feedback. You see, most coaches and trainers focus on delivering difficult feedback because people are terrified of confrontation. But I am ready to shift what I teach on the subject…always learning! Consider this …

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Treat the System, Not the Symptoms

Treat the System-Not the Symptoms

This year I will be delivering my I to the 4th Power program to close to 300 people. That’s pretty exciting. It’s also a fantastic resource to understand what corporate professionals are dealing with. Here are the sorts of things I get asked about most: Time management, to be more productive   Burnout (from the …

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The Success Hangover

A few weeks ago I went on a retreat weekend with four other entrepreneurs. We strategized, solved each one’s business issues, ate, drank, swam, enjoyed the spa and laughed a lot. It was the feel-good event of the season!Two days later I was ready to shut down my practice and leave the rat race for …

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