Are You Leveraging Your Network?

Are You Leveraging Your Network? If you are like most people, when you think about networking, your first thought is about that big fish mover and shaker who can offer you a great opportunity on the spot.  Which is also why, like most people, you probably stop before you even start. Getting to the “right” people …

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Clarity Conversations with Stephani Roy McCallum

Welcome to the Clarity Conversations! Stephani Roy McCallum of Courageous Leadership Project You avoid conflict.  You don’t know how to protect your boundaries without seeming petulant.  What if you had the skills to do better? You could enjoy healthy boundaries and engage in productive conflict, the kind that deepens relationships instead of breaking them. Then, you could feel so …

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What Coaches Know That You Don’t

Edith takes on very complicated work and life situations and finds herself distracted by emotional drama…a lot.  Jonathan, despite consistent success with impressive work challenges, burns himself out thinking he won’t prevail. Ava wants control and won’t move forward without full information, which means she misses out on some great opportunities. Tom shows up hesitant, …

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Welcome to the Clarity Conversations: Tifin Dillon of Your Stellar Life

  What if you didn’t have to push so hard to get things done. What if work could feel more like riding the wave. Today I speak with Tifin Dillon, founder of Your Stellar Life.  In addition to her studies in astrology, psychology, human development and metaphysics, Tifin worked for decades as a teacher and coach. I know …

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Set Yourself Free in 2019

“I saw the angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free.” ~Michaelangelo This quote makes me weak in the knees. What exquisite beauty in this simple shift:  Being your best self is not about pushing to be someone else, but supporting the person in you who already exists and wants to be …

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