Working in multi-national companies I was often asked why Americans love Thanksgiving so much. I see Thanksgiving possessing two important keys of emotional and spiritual well-being. First, gratitude shifts us from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. And that small but critical shift is at the heart of so many things: We get to enjoy so much more of what is in front of us, we are kinder to others — which feeds us — and we reduce the stress associated with never doing or having enough. To learn more about scarcity and abundance, here’s a mediation from Jack Kornfield and a TED talk by Shawn Acho The second thing that is so great about Thanksgiving is that it gives us permission to not do anything for one day. With respect to the chef (who does a lot), Thanksgiving is a day to do less. We get to “be” instead of “doing” and that slowing gives us access to so much beauty. This year feeling grateful might ask a little more or us. Many of us will not be with family, some have lost family, and overall it’s been a stressful year. Still, there is an end in sight and plenty of gifts from this unusual time. Have a wonderful week. All my best, Claire |