The Smart Leader’s Year End Review

When you live in New York City, Christmas doesn’t just arrive — it descends

The crowds, the suitcases on the subway, the holidays lights and music.  It’s a lot.

But here’s the thing: If you’re smart about your career (and I know you are), you know that sometimes the most powerful move is to step back and reflect.

Not for long — just long enough to shift from reacting to leading.

Most people roll into January on fumes, dragging last year’s unfinished To Do’s with them. But there’s a more effective way.

Instead of chasing “goals,” what if you followed your energy instead?  — The kind of work that makes you feel alive, focused, and engaged — not just the stuff that looks good on paper.

If that sounds like the kind of shift you want for 2025, I’m sharing something with you. It’s the exact process I walk my clients through.

Get the 4 Questions for Smarter Career Reflection in this short video LINK HERE

This is how smart leaders start strong.
Take a minute to reflect — and see what becomes possible.

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