The Psychological Safety Challenge


The goal of psychological safety in teams is only gaining momentum.

The trouble is, hybrid work is pulling hard against it. This article from Korn Ferry points to why. Kim, when you post this on LI, please say (link below) and put the link in the comments.

When people see each other every day, they know each other. And when all is well, more exposure and more knowing each other makes everyone more likely to give each other the benefit of the doubt.

When people don’t see each other, they’re more likely to doubt, to wonder about others’ intentions, to act in their own self-interest.

That’s a quick recipe for disengagement, even turnover.

Then how do you promote psychological safety when your team doesn’t see each other five days a week?

Start with awareness, first and foremost of the dynamic. If everyone understands the challenge, they can realize they’re not alone, and they can consider what they need individually and as a group.

Next, gain awareness about the strengths of each team member, and how those strengths contribute to the whole. That awareness builds mutual respect.

Then, model trust. When things go wrong, get curious instead of jumping to conclusions.

Choose “actions to live by,” rituals that create culture in your team. Maybe each week, it’s asking one team member to spend 3 minutes talking about the positive impact of a team member’s support.

Maybe it’s a small gift at birthdays or at year end. Maybe it’s a morning dedicated to the successes of the past year, at the start of the new year. Shared values and rituals build connection.

You can be hybrid or remote and still enjoy psychological safety. Just give it the focus that will make it work.

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