The Performance Coaching Myth

Why is it that every self-improvement article or video I see claims to have a goal of balance and ease, but tells a story of someone who went to Princeton or made $1,000,000 in the first two years of their business?

Maybe it’s because the readers are high performers who are secretly unwilling to let go of their ambition.

Or maybe it’s because ease and balance are not that sexy to read about.

The thing is, these articles unwittingly push you into external references around different forms of success.


Confidence and well-being go out the window.

What these articles don’t do is bring you closer to your own intuition.

How about the next time you read one, you stop, drop and roll.

Stop reading.

Drop the app, or pc, or paper.

Roll through your own successes.

NOT the ones that look good on paper (unless those really aligned with your energy)…

Roll through the ones that meant the most to you.

The ones that energized you.

That pulled you forward into doing more of what makes you happy.

The ones that grew you and made you see what you’re capable of.

Being your best is about being YOUR best.

Here’s wishing you ease and balance.


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