Hang On To That Summer Feeling

This year I’ve been able to shift my energy back to 1:1 career strategy coaching.
The timing feels perfect because, four years out from the lockdown, it feels like people are ready for a shift.
One new client has job hopped and feels like she hasn’t progressed.
Another is coming off of a difficult boss situation and is looking to articulate her value and brand herself.
And yet another sees changing dynamics in her industry and wants to optimize her experience to remain competitive.
I love it when people resist the urge to stagnate, and invite the challenge of continuing to grow.
Where I fit in is that I’m good at seeing patterns, connecting dots that they may not see.
Nothing excites me like supporting someone as they find pathways that are easier, more successful.
With summer often comes distance; a clearer perspective.
Maybe this summer had you feeling like you want a career shift.
Or to be better able to handle a difficult boss or peers at work.
Or to get more recognition for your hard work…a promotion or just some appreciation.
That summer feeling doesn’t have to end.
Having a partner to keep the vision alive, and make the road easier, is a wonderful thing.
If this feels like you, please let me know and we’ll see up a 30 minute meeting.
We can see where you are, where you want to be, and what’s getting in the way.
I’ll provide some initial thoughts and you can see if coaching with me feels right.
I’m fascinated by the shifts I am seeing in clients and am thrilled to ride the wave.
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