Fact or Fantasy? –  The Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get

Do you want more recognition at work?


And think that the way to get it is by working harder or getting more credentials?


You may be on the right track, or you may be on a path to overwork, resentment and burnout.


Let me share two perspectives about hard work:

  • Recognition and opportunity are not always linear. When you want something, work towards it, and also elevate your energy in manyareas of work and life.  Because when you are “in play,” it’s crazy, but opportunities, recognition and solutions can come from anywhere.
  • ALSO (and here’s the glitch), if you are not plugged in to the political capital at work, you can work and work and not get anywhere. Maybe gender, race, culture of origin, years at the organization, or just not having taken the time to build a network, mean that you are working on a parallel, and much harder, path.

The ambitious high-achievers I work with usually want more than anything to throw themselves at their goals.

To that, I give a resounding ‘yes!’  The universe does have a way of providing.

But ask yourself whether you may be on a parallel path.  If so, consider a few things:

Who are the key decision makers are in your organization.  Are you on their radar?

Are you aligned with the organization’s goals, or are you pushing your own personal interests?

Do you regularly let key people know about your positive impact?

To get the recognition that will either lead to your advancement, or provide opportunities to increase balance and autonomy, make sure you are being seen in the right ways.

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