Confidence at Work is Here!…and, how Confidence at Work set Stephanie on a new path


It’s here!!  Starting today you can use this link to buy the printed “Confidence at Work,” and for a limited time (for my readers!) you can use this link to buy the electronic version at a reduced price.

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The confidence facade is a funny thing.  It can look like being professional and polished.  It can look like being a really hard worker.

Stephanie was all of those things, but the moment she truly transformed her career was when she learned to let go of the image of the perfect leader and show more of her authentic self.

In this Confidence Conversation, we discuss her journey and the charming story that helped her lead with confidence.

Take a look: Confidence Conversation with Stephanie Rieben

Stephanie’s story is one of many that I share in Confidence at Work, and when I think about what success means to me, it’s when my clients have these outcomes.

Thank you Stephanie!

And thank you to all of you for the support!  Knowing that what I write means something to you keeps me motivated every week.

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