Some Happy, Surprising 2023 Outcome



Last week after writing to you about my annual review, I actually sat down and did it.

What an amazing exercise. It never fails to shake out something you can only see in hindsight. But when it does, it’s so clear.

Here are a few of my discoveries for 2023:

  • ’23 was a huge year for community. The Clear Strategy team expanded, I rejoined a weekly peer accountability group, joined an amazing Entrepreneur accelerator group, and went on a strategy weekend with four super smart small business owners. The struggle is real when it comes to the isolation of working from home. Finding this level of community has been downright healing.
  • 2023 was a promotion year. Not with any official title change, but with a shift in responsibility. An expanded team means much more high-level, CEO type strategy work. It’s both fascinating and daunting.
  • There was a lot of hiking. Mt. Washington, Breakneck Ridge and the Leatherman’s Loop. More woods in ’24 please.
  • My world expanded. Between Covid, caring for my mom and raising kids, my world had shrunk. Travel, events and seeing friends in ’23 felt like oxygen.
  • I finished writing a book. You don’t realize when you’re in it, but with hindsight it’s a big deal.

Notice that the discoveries are less about what was accomplished and more about the underlying mindset. My friend Rick Tamlyn likes to say that life and work flow in the direction of the conversations you are having, with yourself and with others.

When you get perspective about where you are, something clicks deep down and that definitely impacts the conversations you are having. Next, you can explore what’s possible in each area of your work and life, from a new, more confident place.

One note…if you notice that there’s been more struggle than accomplishment, it’s also important. It may invite a need to adjust expectations and increase self-care.

I hope you’ll take some time to take stock of all you did in 2023.

And I can’t wait to share details of the book very soon!

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