
“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!” Who doesn’t chuckle when you think of Stuart Smalley.  Affirmations can sound funny, but they are a powerful tool.  They can be used to change the way others view us, to push us to perform in our areas of strength, or to bring awareness …

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Girls Will Be Girls

Yesterday I attended a six-year old “Eloise at the Plaza” birthday with my daughter.  While I wouldn’t want her to think every day is like that, I found it fun, charming, and surprisingly gracious.  Nevertheless, there was one moment when I found myself stifling a very self-conscious belly laugh —  the moment seemed almost surreal.  …

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Community and Rituals

This weekend I attended a six-year old birthday with my daughter.  All of the usual things were there — pin the tail on the donkey, cake, goodie bags.  But there was something special about this one.  The parents were really present; the prep was done and they were calm and available.  They created the party …

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