When the Pudding Thickens

Have you ever had a To Do list with items like: Get a Job, Develop Great Team, Get Promotion? A challenge many of my clients have is that, once they realize they want something, they want it now. And, when the “it” is quite huge, that can be debilitating. Chances are you will get “it” whatever “it” is. That said, you can beat yourself up every step of the way or you can make progress and enjoy the journey. Here’s a link to regular old goal setting. And, here are some observations I’ve made that I think can bring goal setting to life:

  1. Break it Down: Instead of “Get a job,” try a To Do list that includes the stuff behind the stuff: 1. Do research on developing an elevator pitch, 2. Take a stab at writing a pitch, 3. Try the pitch on some friends, etc.
  2. Define Milestones: Another angle on observation #1. What will progress look like? What will you do to celebrate your efforts? If you are wanting to lead a high-performing team, will you stop to celebrate the next time two of its members are kind and supportive to one another instead of hostile? In a job search, will you celebrate getting a “ding” email instead of nothing at all? Progress, big and small, is important to acknowledge.
  3. Consider Being, Not Just Doing: What will the experience of reaching your goal be like? Explore this. Who are you becoming as you move closer to your goals? You may find that just being that person now will ease and empower your progress.
  4. Link Your Actions to Your Values and Purpose: Similar to #3, this is right out of Stephen Covey. Having a sense of your purpose, and how you want to look back on your life one day, can help you prioritize your actions and even the way in which you develop goals.

When people ask me about measuring progress, I say, “Notice when the pudding thickens.” I’ve found that progress isn’t always about crossing an item off the list, but about how things feel. Last month I achieved a milestone of my own. After logging more than 1300 coaching hours with over 120 corporate and individual clients in 3-6 month engagement, and training hundreds of professionals in group settings, I was awarded the International Coach Federation’s “Professional Certified Coach” designation. Thank you to all of you who have been clients, friends and colleagues. Again, it is more about the work and the people than about ticking it off the list.

Warm wishes for a productive and enjoyable journey in 2015.


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