What Political Campaigns Teach Us About Career Advancement

Me: “Have you ever asked for a promotion?” Client: “Yes! Last year in my annual review!” Me: “And?” Client: “And nothing’s happened!!” Me: “No, what I meant by ‘and…’ is, how consistently have you repeated your request?” Client: “What do you mean?”   This discouraging conversation is a repeat offender. It’s discouraging to watch talented, …

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Hang On To That Summer Feeling

  This year I’ve been able to shift my energy back to 1:1 career strategy coaching. The timing feels perfect because, four years out from the lockdown, it feels like people are ready for a shift. One new client has job hopped and feels like she hasn’t progressed. Another is coming off of a difficult …

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The Myth of Possibility

Last month Morgan Stanley invited me to share my thoughts on how to increase your effectiveness by finding balance. What?? Aren’t effectiveness and balance in constant tension? Well, I’d say not. This talk was called, “How to Make the Next 10 Years Your Best 10 Years.” And from the buzz in the room, I’d say …

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