Leadership by Grapefruit

Years ago on vacation, I saw a t-shirt that said, “Beatings will continue until morale improves!” As ridiculous as that sounds, again and again, I see team leaders use this approach. They believe performance will improve when employees are directly confronted with their weaknesses, so they can get to work fixing them. And are surprised when …

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I Went To The Fast Company Innovation Festival Yesterday

Yesterday I attended the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York. The opening session featured Dan Schuman from PayPal and Lynn Forester from Inclusive Capital Partners and the topic was stakeholder capitalism.They called out Virtue Signaling,Green washing, and Wall St hijacking ESG, are all the tropes of putting on a good show but not doing …

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My Silver Bullet for Back-to-School Overwhelm

Technically it’s not the new year, but September always carries expectations. Which inevitably rolls into a bunch of “shoulds.” Which pretty quickly can lead to overwhelm….and exhaustion. Monday was that day for me. The expectations and shoulds sounded like, “Summer’s over! You had a great time. You did amazing things. Now that you are rested …

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Why I Miss the 3-Martini Lunch

In my corporate trainings, I often joke that the 3-Martini lunch is dead. And that’s not good. Yes, executives can walk a straight line when they get back to the office. OK, that is good. But what’s lost is the connection and skills and experience transfer that used to come from spending time with the …

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