
Why Do We Love Thanksgiving So?

Working in multi-national companies I was often asked why Americans love Thanksgiving so much.  I see Thanksgiving possessing two important keys of emotional and spiritual well-being. First, gratitude shifts us from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.  And that small but critical shift is at the heart of so many things: We get to enjoy …

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How to Handle a Loss of Control

As last week’s election evolved, it was hard to deny that only half of the people got their desired outcome.  And it got me thinking:  This happens at work a lot. Your team’s raises are denied because even though it’s been a good year, the one before wasn’t.  Or your team has to develop presentations …

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goals for 2020

What Matters About This Moment

Remember “Vision 2020?”  That was every company’s mantra about five years ago.  2020 was supposed to be the year of clarity; of focus; the year that would show us the way forward.   I would argue that it still is.  Last week I had an outdoor coffee with a friend who is a psychologist.  The …

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