introvert or extrovert

What are Zoom calls revealing about your work preferences…and boundaries?

For every story I’ve heard from someone who’s been feeling isolated the last three months, I’ve heard a story from someone, usually an introvert, who is feeling such a sense of freedom!  Without the constant buzz and interruption of an office, they can finally think. That’s a big part of introversion. It’s not that introverts …

What are Zoom calls revealing about your work preferences…and boundaries? Read More »


Are You Feeling it Too?

I’m a little tired. Tired of not knowing whether activities I try to do with the kids will be open. Tired of not feeling motivated enough to go and find out (and risk being disappointed). Tired of no one appreciating what I serve for dinner, even though I’m trying! Tired of feeling uncomfortable with friends …

Are You Feeling it Too? Read More »

Time Management

Good Time Management Gives You Focus

Last week I was super present in my work.  I’m always present, but this felt like present on steroids.  What’s funny is that it also felt easy.  My kids can’t go to camp this summer, so it’s Mom as cruise director and I decided to work mornings only (most days).  The most important tricks are …

Good Time Management Gives You Focus Read More »

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