Are You Ready For A Bigger Game?

More than once in my professional life, I’ve made a big change. Those were usually scary “moments” that were months, even years, in the making. Going for something big takes courage, and it takes support. This Wednesday I will be joining my friend and colleague, Rick Tamlyn, for his Jump Start Your Bigger Game event in New York and would …

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What Is Your Success Story?

Cassandra was brilliant. She had had a significant impact on her company’s success. In fact, her contribution had helped turn around at least one failing business. The problem was that Cassandra kept burning out.  She was beloved by management because she gave herself fully. Within a year in any new job, she was practically running …

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Do Work You Like. Not too Much. Avoid the B.S.

This week a trending article in the New York Times talked about the balance he regained by reading the paper in hard copy. The author referenced the food writer, Michael Pollen, whose advice, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants,” has become somewhat famous. He created his own version for reading the news: “Get news. Not too quickly.  Avoid …

Do Work You Like. Not too Much. Avoid the B.S. Read More »

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