Good Deeds

This morning I had coffee at a small tea salon at the corner of 73rd and Amsterdam, and I sat next to the window, facing the intersection. We just had 20+ inches of snow in New York, and the corner had two 18″ wide slippery, bumpy paths between the mounds of snow, one going West …

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I loved this weekend’s Modern Love article in the NYT Styles section. The author had gone to see a rabbi about wanting to meet a husband. She told him about her inability to meet Mr. Right, and the rabbi told her she was cursed. He then (for a small fee), reversed the curse. The story …

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Even Coaches Get the Blues

Last month I found myself very busy with work. I also found myself distracted, unmotivated and a little blue. Finally, and thankfully, a friend of mine said, “Maybe you’re a little depressed.” It was such a mild statement, but it jarred me. Me, depressed? I am a coach for goodness sake! And after a very …

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