Me, Not Ambitious?

On Monday evening I attended an event to celebrate the publishing of a Harvard Business Review article called, “The Battle for Female Talent in Emerging Markets.” The gist of the article is that in countries where multinationals are looking to grow their businesses (Brazil, Russia, India and China), they need women to do the work, …

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New Ways To Work

In the last few weeks I have had renewed energy around the bigger picture for my business. I want to help companies and individuals find real solutions to sustained happiness and productivity. One big piece of the puzzle is around asking companies to talk to their employees and find out how to bring more humanity …

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A Coach for Gen X and beyond

For the last two years I have been focused on single women in mid-career who are frustrated at work, and longing for a family. I now see something much bigger. It’s not that this group is not important. I was in that group, and I know from personal experience how important it is to shake …

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In Friday’s New York Times Patricia Cohen had an article about delayed adulthood. It talks about how turning 21 no longer qualifies as a transition to adulthood. Traditionally, the model was that a person would turn 21, finish their studies, get a job, and marry within a few years. Now, people continue to study, and …

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No doubt many saw last Sunday’s NYT article about technology and multi-tasking. On the blog were many comments questioning whether the distractions of technology were in fact making us less efficient. We are a society geared toward production, so it is logical that people’s main concern would be the risk to our thinking from multi-tasking. …

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The New Normal

In the two years that I have been coaching, there are three areas that I have been drawn to. The first, helping women optimize their careers. Finding what they are most passionate about, negotiating salary and title, managing office politics, or developing their own businesses. The second has been helping women find a relationship. I …

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