Are You Using Your Most Creative Asset?

a group of male and female coworkers sitting around a table, appearing to be in discussionOne of the things I love about my sales and marketing background, and one of the reasons I haven’t signed up to work for a coaching agency that does the sales and marketing for me, is that selling and marketing yourself is key to a successful career and being focused on results is key to a team’s success. Which means that doing my own sales and marketing keeps me fresh for my clients and I love sharing insights I gain from the entrepreneurs I connect with along the way. Last year I met a money coach who shared how our “Money Story” can motivate or block us. The minute I heard that, it took me to what version is most relevant to my clients, and started asking, “What is your Success Story?”


Whether you are managing your career or leading a team, what is your expectation around their success? What obstacles are likely to stop you in your tracks? Not just circumstances, but the beliefs you have around them when they arise? Is your success story too lofty? Will it cause burnout in you and/or your team? Does your success story share responsibility with others so that leadership is actually happening?


Our greatest resource for success is our own creativity. Do you know what unique strengths you and your team bring to the table, and what that does for the organization? If not will you take some time to figure it out?


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