How Trust Drives Innovation

How Trust Drives InnovationsI understand innovation in a cutting-edge industry like Computing, but it took me a while to figure it out in a mature, saturated industry like Cosmetics. During my 18 years in Cosmetics, I heard people talking about innovation all the time. Eventually, I understood: half of innovation is finding ingredients, delivery systems and product forms that meet new customer needs. But Cosmetics is a seasonal business, like Fashion. So the other half of innovation is making sure you efficiently ride the wave of trends. Every wave missed is revenue missed. Every wave you ride is money in the bank.

Yes, innovation often comes from visionaries with big ideas who somehow see around the corner. Steve Jobs. Estee Lauder. Yet it also comes from regular people doing their jobs. The thing is, when we are stressed, uncomfortable, scared or don’t trust our colleagues or bosses, we don’t take the little risks and put forth ideas. When we have a lot of trust and confidence, when we work interdependently with our team mates, we do stick our necks out more. We do and say the little things that can lead to big ideas.

Innovation is one of the reasons it’s so important to build trust in an organization. But trust, unlike innovation, is not seasonal. It is incremental. It starts from within: feeling confident, knowing your strengths, knowing your priorities. That self-awareness leads others to feel comfortable in your presence. And before you know it, you are working in tandem to innovate.

Nature is in the midst of its annual innovation. I hope you are enjoying it.

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