Good Time Management Gives You Focus

Last week I was super present in my work.  I’m always present, but this felt like present on steroids.  What’s funny is that it also felt easy.  My kids can’t go to camp this summer, so it’s Mom as cruise director and I decided to work mornings only (most days).  The most important tricks are brutal prioritization and plenty of grace.  By grace I mean deciding that what I’m doing is enough.  It’s counter intuitive but when I give myself that permission, my inner critic is quieter and I move through the work so much faster.

One of the most consistent requests I get from clients is for focus. Instead of being in meetings worrying about the email you forgot to send on the project you are managing, you actually pay attention.  And…you don’t have to have another meeting just to go over what you missed. Decision making is easier and less exhausting because you know your big picture goals. You end the day with energy to spend outside of work because you’ve paced yourself. Good time management gives you focus, which provides balance and connection.

Early in The Great Pause, I put together a video on my favorite time management tools. Please take a look. One of the great gifts of this time is that we’ve realized what matters. Learn how to use time for the things you want most.

Have a great week!

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