Are You Leveraging Your Network?

Are You Leveraging Your Network?

If you are like most people, when you think about networking, your first thought is about that big fish mover and shaker who can offer you a great opportunity on the spot.  Which is also why, like most people, you probably stop before you even start.

Getting to the “right” people is not about a key moment.  It takes slow and steady work, and it begins with the people who know and like you.  As far as the big fish, it’s easier when someone they trust trusts you.  And when you do get to speak to them, you are more confident when someone has put in a good word.

  • Figure out what you want and what you can do for an organization in your target position.  And eliminate the phrase “I am open to anything.”  Check out Through the Brick Wall for more.
  • Make a list of 10-30 people in your immediate network, close friends included.
  • Set up coffees or lunches and share your “what I want, what I can do, and which organizations (industry, big/small, etc)” pitch. Then ask them who they think you should talk to.
  • If you haven’t talked to people in a while, don’t worry.  Just acknowledge it and move on.  People love helping others, as long as you make it easy for them.

If you would like to have a conversation about how leveraging your network can help propel you to the next level in your career, simply click here to schedule a complimentary session with me.

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